Friday, April 29, 2011

Photobooth Fridays, No. 26

Boston Comics Con's Eve edition!

As I stated in my previous post this week, tomorrow and Sunday I will be in attendance at this year's Boston Comic Con! I already went into detail about my commission rates, sure. But there is one thing I didn't get around to, and that is--

I'll have several for sale over the weekend, a few of which can be seen here. Prints are available in both tabloid (11" by 17") and letter (8.5" by 11") sizes for $15.00 and $5.00, respectively. Get 'em while they last, folks!

See you at the con!

1 comment:

Red Herring Jeff said...

Hey Joe! I checked your etsy shop to see if any of these are available online... no dice. Is there anyplace a guy could lay his hands on a print if he doesn't live in/travel to the greater Boston metropolitan area?

While I'm crying about that, I think I may as well mention that my search also turned up the little zine you, Liz, and Maris did for SPX in 2008. It' looked totally bitchin'.