Friday, April 30, 2010

In Other News...

I just saw that Marvel posted this online -

This was the last of the 'villain variant' covers that I'd done for Amazing Spider-man. It'll be the cover to issue # 630, coming out next week!

Annnd I just recently found out that I'll be included once more in this years Spectrum Annual due out next November. I've got two pieces included this go round. You've probably seen them both before, but here they are again anyhow -
My Kraven 'villain variant' cover for 'The Amazing Spider-man'

And page 11 of my Green Lantern story from last summer's Wednesday Comics series.


B. Elbert said...

Love the Kraven Pinup, Ana is becoming a great villain.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Joe! I always loved that Kraven variant cover.

Evan T said...

I loves me some Lizard-Man art, it's been a long time since I've seen him in any comics, so it was really cool seeing what you did with him.