Thursday, October 11, 2007

Small Press Expo: ¡Este fin de semana!

That's right friends. Today I'm embarking on the very long drive to Maryland where I'll be attending SPX with Maris, Liz and Tim. So before I go, here's a preview of some of the stuff I'll be selling...



And I'll also be featured in some mini-comics by Maris and Liz-


(Talk Nerdy To Me)

--Hope to see you there!


chrishaley said...

Oh, man! Awesome stuff.
Anyway I can get you to save one of those Super Chevy prints for me to buy from you since I won't be at SPX?

Unknown said...

yeah, great stuff! For those of us far away from the MD area, can we give you our money in exchange for goods? Please?

Mr. Joe said...

Hey guys.
Yeah, I can totally sell you guys some stuffs. I've about five super chevy prints left (I put one aside for you, Chris), and a bunch o' t-shirt of all three designs - the super chevy, the robot and the dinosaur (I got a lot printed).
I guess e-mail me for more details @