Friday, March 23, 2007


This was one of the straws that broke the 'Joe's not sure if he's going to start a blog' camel's back. I was doing some browsing of cool artists blogs, when I found Dean Trippe's page (good stuff- you should check it out ). Anyway, while looking through his page, I found a 'Draw Supergirl' meme (I didn't know what it meant either), where various artists come up with their own take of the famous comic character. I thought I'd take a shot.
Check out other Supergirl incarnations here


chrishaley said...

I think I hate you a little bit for this, because I won't be happy until Supergirl actually looks like this.
I hope you're happy.
I'm going to pretend that my Supergirl grows up and becomes your Supergirl.

Mr. Joe said...

Well that's cool, because I sorta hate you for your very cool and hip Supergirl.

Does this mean our hate cancels itself out?

chrishaley said...

You know.. I suppose it does.
Now that we're not enemies we'll have to be SuperFriends.

Mr. Joe said...
