Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Canary & Zatanna Sneek Skeep, par--what? It's out already?!

That's right dear friends! Today the DC comics original graphic novel, Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell, written by Paul Dini and illustrated by myself, finally hit the stands. I couldn't be more thrilled. I mean, just look at this picture:

That's me in front of Hub Comics in Somerville MA, where I'll be doing a signing this Saturday (May 24th) in celebration of the books' release from 2-6 pm. Please do swing by if you're in the neighborhood.

Now that the book is finally out, I thought it might be neat to take a look at the series of cover pitches I went through for the book before landing on an approved final cover. Some of these I'm still somewhat heartbroken I never got to draw. Ah well. Perhaps some day.

And here's a link to the final cover we went with--

Thanks so much to everyone who went out to buy the book today. I really appreciate the support, and hope you enjoy the book! Ees Uoy Noos!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Sorry to bother, I just want to be sure that my entry arrives to you
    I tried with the hashtag everywhere but on facebook there wasn't any other entries, and tumblr seems to hate, here's the entry!
    Thanks for your attention and have a good day!
